Pet Dental Care

Why do dogs and cats need assistance with dental care?

Our dogs and cats are not brushing their own teeth like we do. Commonly for dogs, we're giving them things like dental chews and bones because the mechanical action of chewing helps to keep the tartar buildup down. However, some teeth, especially the front teeth, can still get buildup even if the dogs are pretty good chewers. The front teeth, like the canine teeth which are in the front, are not really involved with chewing; they're more for ripping and tearing, like if they were wild dogs.

What options are available for dental care in cats?

For cats, brushing the teeth is an option if your cat is good and will let you. Additionally, there are dental diets, and they make dental treats for cats that are a little bigger, which they have to chew. However, depending on whether your cat actually chews them or tries to swallow them whole, which is what my cat does, these can be helpful as well. Some cat dental diseases are preventable with brushing as well.

How can you train dogs to allow you to brush their teeth?

With dogs, it's something you can train them to let you do, especially if they are food motivated. I try to give them a treat after I brush their teeth. Getting into a routine helps, and they may start to enjoy it and run to the room where you're going to do the brushing.

Can you show us an example of healthy versus unhealthy dog teeth?

First, I'm going to show you a model of the dog teeth. On the first side, which is the clean side, you can see that everything looks nice and white. We're not seeing any redness on the gums or anything here; this is what we want. Our brushing and chews aim to keep the teeth looking like this. On the severe side, you can see the differences. We have a lot of redness on the gums, some gum recession where you can start to see a little bit of the roots, and some tartar, which is that yellow stuff on there. I always tell people that tartar can get like a barnacle and become quite thick, often requiring scaling with a dental scaler to clean the tooth and get a clean slate to prevent tartar buildup.

How To Brush Your Dog's Teeth At Home

Dr. Meghan Greco (featuring Gemma)

What is the first step in brushing a dog's teeth?

First, let the dog see and taste the toothpaste! Most dog kinds of toothpaste will taste like chicken or another protein our dogs like!

It's important not to approach the dog's mouth abruptly, as this could make them uncomfortable and resistant to future brushing. A gentle approach is important.

What should you do after introducing the toothpaste?

After introducing the toothpaste, it's best to proceed gradually, allowing the dog to get used to it. At home, you should repeat this step a few times before moving on.

How do you apply the toothpaste to the dog's teeth?

Apply a bit more toothpaste on your finger and gently rub it on the teeth. This helps the dog become accustomed to the sensation without being too invasive.

What tools can you use as you progress with brushing?

Eventually, you can use a finger brush or a baby toothbrush. Lift the dog’s lip slightly and brush along the teeth gently.

How should you handle a dog's reaction to brushing?

Since dogs may not be used to brushing, they might react curiously. It's essential to make them comfortable and establish a routine for brushing.

How can you encourage a dog to tolerate tooth brushing?

Rewarding the dog with a treat afterward can be a great motivator, especially if they are food-driven. It helps them associate brushing with a positive outcome.

Which areas of the mouth should you focus on?

Focus on the molars in the back, the front fang teeth, and the little incisors, as these areas are not typically reached by chewing bones.

How often should you brush a dog's teeth for it to be effective?

To be effective, brushing should be done once a day. Regular brushing will help maintain the dog's dental health.

If you have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (203) 259-5295, or you can email us at [email protected]. But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram!