Kitten Care - The Importance of Proper Kitten Care

What should I look for when adopting a new kitten or cat?

When adopting a new kitten, it's important to make sure that your house is prepared for a kitten. Kittens want to get into everything. They can be quite the terrors. This kitten's being very good right now because we have food. It's important to have a lot of toys, and cats like to have different toys. I'm a big fan of the wand toys that look like a fishing pole with stuff on the end that they play with because if you try to play with them with your fingers, they'll get focused on your fingers and want to play with and bite them. We don't want that. Wand toys, balls, and toys with catnip in them that crinkle and make noise are great. Definitely have a rotating supply of toys because cats are short bursts of energy animals, have a short attention span, and want variety. Rotating the toys is crucial because they can get tired of the same toy all the time.

Dr. Meghan Greco

What should I expect on my kitten's first vet exam?

On the first vet exam, usually happening around six to eight weeks of age, they are typically weaned from their mother and are starting to eat solid food on their own. At that age, they're old enough to be dewormed for parasites. There are intestinal parasites that they can get from their mom, which can cause diarrhea and soft stool, so certainly, if your kitten has soft stool, we want to see them even sooner. Also, at that age, we start vaccinations. Typically, cats are vaccinated for feline distemper, which includes a few different viruses in one vaccine, like rhinotracheitis, chlamydia, and herpes virus. Once they're 12 weeks, they get rabies. Sometimes, if they're going to go outside, we discuss the leukemia vaccine since leukemia is a virus that can be transmitted between cats. More often than not, we're just deworming and giving the first vaccination, maybe on the first visit. Additionally, we conduct a physical exam, ensuring the heart sounds good and checking for any hernias or other abnormalities.

How often should I be feeding my kitten?

Kittens and most cats like to eat freely and nibble a little bit here and there all day long. It's important to have something in between your hand and the kitten because they can get confused and think your finger is food if you put food on it.

What does a person need to know about kitten behavior?

The important thing to know about kitten behavior is that they are wild. They need a lot of activity. Often, it's good to have two kittens together because they play with each other and are always wanting to get into mischief. They will definitely dig in planted pots, go on top of the refrigerator, and are usually all over the place. It's crucial to be aware of this and have a lot of toys and activities for them.

What are some signs that my kitten may be ill and need a veterinarian?

Big signs that your kitten may be ill include not eating, as most kittens love to eat. If they aren't eating anything you're offering, that's a big red flag. Other signs include sleeping a lot, not playing, having soft and unformed stool, or vomiting. These are all abnormal for a kitten. Kittens are small, so they don't have a lot of reserves. It's easy for them to get dehydrated or have hypoglycemia. It's definitely better to get them checked early so they don't get too sick before we can address it.

Why is it important to avoid self-diagnosing kittens?

It's important to avoid self-diagnosing mainly for the reasons mentioned. It's better to intervene early before there's a big problem that we can't fix. If your kitten isn't eating or playing, something's wrong, and they need to be seen by a veterinarian.

If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (203) 259-5295, or you can email us at [email protected]. But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram