Friends Of Animals Spay/Neuter Consent Form

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I am the owner, or the designated representative for the owner, of the above named pet. I authorize Southport Veterinary Center to administer anesthetics and/or tranquilizers to perform my pet's spay or neuter. I understand there are potential risks when using anesthetics and/or performing surgery and that no results can be guaranteed. Pre-surgical blood work is recommended to find any existing abnormalities. If I cannot be reached at the numbers above, I authorize the veterinarian to do what, in their judgement, is in the best interest of my pet. I understand that there is not an attendant on duty after business hours.

Presurgical Blood work. $65
Elizabethan Collar (the cone). Range $12-$25 depending on size
Pain Medication $60 or under
Microchip/registration $90
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